Erica Rue captivates readers with fast-paced, sci-fi adventures filled with puzzles, mythology, and romance. Her female-led stories explore curiosity, self-discovery, and connection with others.
That’s the short version, but if you want to know a little more, here goes!
I earned my BA in Classics from the University of Virginia with a concentration in Ancient Greek. Then, I got my MA in Teaching, specifically, Latin Education. So, not only do I love language (I’m a writer after all), I love dead languages. As a Latin teacher, I guess I was something of a linguistic necromancer. In my decade of teaching, I got to share my love of Latin and language and literary devices. If I had to choose a favorite literary device, it’s a tie between metonymy and zeugma.
Now, I’m focused on my family and my writing. I live in Virginia with my husband, two kids, and dog (His name is Mulder, as in Special Agent Dog Mulder, for the X-Files fans out there).
When I’m not writing I enjoy gardening, reading, rock climbing (indoor, mostly bouldering), cooking, and baking.